Wednesday, May 23, 2018

What is a black hole?

What are black holes? 

Black holes are one of the densest objects in the universe . Black holes are the regions of space-time which exhibits such a strong gravitational force that nothing can escape from it not even light! . Due to this reason they are invisible.

How black holes are created in space?  

Massive stars like blue giant and blue super giants are hot enough to burn not only hydrogen and helium but also oxygen, carbon and silicon.Eventually, the  fusion in these  stars forms the  element  iron (which is the most stable of all  nuclei, and will not easily fuse into heavier elements), which effectively ends the  nuclear fusion process within the  star. Due to lack of fuel its temperature starts decreasing and the rate of collapsing into itself increases,until it collapse completely on itself, blowing out material in a massive  supernova  explosion.If the  mass of the compressed remnant of the  star  exceeds about 3 - 4 solar masses, then even the degeneracy pressure of neutrons is insufficient to halt the collapse and, instead of forming a neutron star, the core collapses completely into a gravitational singularity, a single point containing all the mass of the entire original star and it will be infinitely dense!  Then Gravity becomes so strong that all other 3 forces except gravity will start to overwhelm and don't even allow light to escape from it hence it is named as black hole

How big a black hole is?

Indeed of having such great mass black holes are so small.The black hole at the centre of our galaxy (milky way) has a mass of 2-4 million suns but its size is just equavalent to few million earths!. A black hole of mass as our own earth would easily fit in your palms!
And our sun becomes a black hole its radius can be of few kilometres which is few million times smaller than sun.

What if we fall into a black hole?  

Reaching our nearst black hole would take millions of years using the fastest space crafts so for now it is impossible to reach one. But if we somehow managed to reach a black hole and try to fall into it we will get spaghettified (the process by which  an object would be stretched and ripped apart by gravitational forces on falling into a black hole.) and then we will :

1. Die
2.Enter into another universe (according to some theories)

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