Tuesday, May 29, 2018

5 Most Bizarre Planets You’ve Probably Never Heard Of!

Our universe is full of some weirdest things
Like black holes, neutron stars etc but these are from observable universe ( the universe which is able to be observed using telescopes) there could be somemore weird things outside the observable universe too .And we cannot imagine how weird they are?

Today I bring some Bizarre Planets You’ve Probably Never Heard Of! So lets begin our countdown


This planet is 13000 light years from us and has tempreture of -220°C (-364°F) to -186°C (-302°F) and called as a iceball planet as it is composed of fresh water ice!
We can use its minerals one day in the future for now getting to that planet is impossible and take 13000 years if we travel at speed of light
One light year is nothing but the distance travelled by the light in entire one year (365 earth days) and reaching such a high speed is not possible for now. The fastest probe ever sent to space is new horizon's probe (2006) to study kuiper belt and pluto ( and its moons) it travels at the speed of 58000 km/hr (36000 m/hr)

2. KELT-9B

KELT-9B is the hottest planet to be discovered which is 650 light years away from us. KELT-9B is tidally locked by its star so it does not rotate on its axis meaning that one side is hottest and another side is super coolest 
KELT - 9B is 3 times massive as jupiter and burns at a temperature of 4,315 degrees Celsius (7,800 °F). This is hotter than most stars and almost as hot as the surface of our Sun, which burns at 5,505 degrees Celsius (9,941°F) 
This would probably end up after few million years 

GJ 1214b

3.GJ 1214b

GJ 1214b is also known as water world ,it is 3 times the size of earth and situated 42 light years from earth . Earth's water makes 0.05% of its mass where as GJ 1214b water makes 10% of its mass
GJ 1214b is thought to have ocean that may reach depths of as much as 1,600 kilometers (1,000 mi). In contrast, the deepest part of our own oceans is the Mariana Trench, 11 kilometers (7 mi) deep.
We have explored many species in our earth's oceans which make up less 0.5% of all creatures which could exist 
Just imagine how horrible and weirdest species could exist in GJ 1214b

PSR J1719-1438 b

4.PSR J1719-1438 b

Its core is composed of dimond which is 5 times the size of our earth!
It is 4000 light years away from us and orbits a pulsar PSR J1719-1438 .Due to pressure made by its crust which is caused by its gravitational pull it coverts its carbon in its core into gigantic dimond !
The object around which it revolves is a pulsar which was once a massive star collapsed into itself forming a pulsar which spins more than 400 times a second 

5. Kepler-16b

Kepler-16b has the mass of about 105 Earths and is 8.5 times the radius of our world. Which orbits around 2 stars (binary star systems) .It is situated at a distance of 200 light years .It revolves around 2 stars in 627 earth years!

Monday, May 28, 2018

Colonizing Mars Some Crucial Things That You Need To Know

Why Mars? 

Most of you might think that why nasa and other space agencies are planning to colonise mars and why not any other planets like venus which is as big as our earth and has 90% of earth's gravity , the answer might be its tempreture and its composition . Venus has an average tempreture of more than 450•C on its surface.  There are so many probes which were sent to venus and none of them has survived more than 2 hours . Those probes were destroyed by its pressure and not by its tempreture , they had a protection from venus's horrible tempreture. And there are other planets which could not come under habitable zone ( Conditions are not too hot and not too cold ). And some of them has no surface to land a spacecraft like jupiter and saturn. So on eliminating these we only had some options like mars and titan. Mars is the best option according to scientists but few are opposing it too and they says titan could be the better option. Mars has some crucial elements to support life on it like oxygen, carbon etc. And also has water on it but most of the water is frozen at its poles. On mars a day is 24 hours and seasons which are exactly same as on earth! 
And also mars is the only planet to send the highest number of probes and rovers which gave as the most valuable information about mars 

Ways To Colonise Mars : 

Therw are many ways to colonise mars. Every one is with their own ways for colonization. But few are pretty much famous and accurate ones and Iam going to mention them in this blog. Mars has water on it surface and some frozen water at its poles. Most of the scientists says to melt them by creating global warming on mars which is possible by some factories on it and nuclear weapons can be dropped on mars to create a quick global warming but 
Teansporting them to mars is a challenge as there is a chance of their blasting on the earth before transporting them and it could probably wipe out the life on earth.Another way is to make huge mirrors and make them to reflect the sun light to mars's surface which could increase the
tempreture of mars and melt the frozen ice and make the rivers to flow. If there is water on its surface microbial life can be possible on it. Mars and titan (moon of saturn) are the only options to make a new home out there! 
Colonizing mars could take few thousands of years but definitely could be the next home for us .

Benefits Of Colonizing Mars : 

  1. There can not be problem of overpopulation on earth as we has our next home in our solar system (mars) 
  2. Earth can be destroyed by nuclear wars in the next few centuries Iam not sure about it but incase if it happens mars could be the best option for us to escape from it 
  3. Could be a milestone for us!  :)

Thursday, May 24, 2018

Stephen Hawking's Final Warning To Humans

Stephen Hawking's Final Warning To Humans

  1. Manufacturing Of Nuclear Weapons : 

I agree that manufacturing of weapons are for defending but a coin has two faces so it can have a negative impact too .Nuclear wars may in future . Nuclear weapons are the deadliest weapons in the world we can imagine their imapct by an incident which happend in" hiroshima and naga saki" which is like an ant infront of today's nuclear weapons . Few nuclear weapons are enough to wipe out not only humanity but also the life on earth! 
Nuclear weapon manufacturing is increasing day by day. Every country wants to show their power. Prof. Stephen hawking said that colonization of other planets will help us out. 

2.Global Warming :

Global warming is the reason why the earth's average temperature is increasing day by day. Industries can be the reason for it ,this has took an exponential growth in last few decades due to industrial revoultion . High temperatures make the glaciers to melt and merg in oceans .After few centuries the antarctica and arctic continents are going to merg in ocean water ehich can bring the climate fluctuations on earth. Probably all islands gonna disappear and also some coastal countries!
And slowly wipe out the humanity! If we don't find any solution for it! 

3. AI ( Artificial Intelligence) 

Technology is becoming advanced but it also crossing its limit. AI are 3 types : 

1. Weak AI ( AI which we are using now) 
2. Strong AI (AI which is as smart as a human) 
3. Singularity AI (AI which is much advanced than humans and even kill us) 

We are upgrading AI day by day within a decade we will manage to make so called a strong AI for the mass production of goods in industry etc .
Within 1000 years we will make singularity AI which can even colonize our solar system itself 
And probably we may get killed by them

Professor Stephen Hawking's Only Solution For These Problems Was The Colonization of Other Planets Or just Leaving the Earth Insearch Of Any Other Home In Space 

(These Were Stated By Prof. Stephen Hawking On 14 november, 2016 At Oxford Union Debate Society London)

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

What is a black hole?

What are black holes? 

Black holes are one of the densest objects in the universe . Black holes are the regions of space-time which exhibits such a strong gravitational force that nothing can escape from it not even light! . Due to this reason they are invisible.

How black holes are created in space?  

Massive stars like blue giant and blue super giants are hot enough to burn not only hydrogen and helium but also oxygen, carbon and silicon.Eventually, the  fusion in these  stars forms the  element  iron (which is the most stable of all  nuclei, and will not easily fuse into heavier elements), which effectively ends the  nuclear fusion process within the  star. Due to lack of fuel its temperature starts decreasing and the rate of collapsing into itself increases,until it collapse completely on itself, blowing out material in a massive  supernova  explosion.If the  mass of the compressed remnant of the  star  exceeds about 3 - 4 solar masses, then even the degeneracy pressure of neutrons is insufficient to halt the collapse and, instead of forming a neutron star, the core collapses completely into a gravitational singularity, a single point containing all the mass of the entire original star and it will be infinitely dense!  Then Gravity becomes so strong that all other 3 forces except gravity will start to overwhelm and don't even allow light to escape from it hence it is named as black hole

How big a black hole is?

Indeed of having such great mass black holes are so small.The black hole at the centre of our galaxy (milky way) has a mass of 2-4 million suns but its size is just equavalent to few million earths!. A black hole of mass as our own earth would easily fit in your palms!
And our sun becomes a black hole its radius can be of few kilometres which is few million times smaller than sun.

What if we fall into a black hole?  

Reaching our nearst black hole would take millions of years using the fastest space crafts so for now it is impossible to reach one. But if we somehow managed to reach a black hole and try to fall into it we will get spaghettified (the process by which  an object would be stretched and ripped apart by gravitational forces on falling into a black hole.) and then we will :

1. Die
2.Enter into another universe (according to some theories)

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

What is a wormhole?


According to albert einstein,
Space is 4 dimensional 3 dimensions are regular ones (length, breadth and height) and one extra dimension is time.
The combination of these 4 dimensions make what we called as space-time 

Properties of space-time 

Im gonna talk about only those properties which are necessary in order to undertsnad our topic wormhole

Property : when anything which has mass sits on space-time it bends the space 

Creation of a wormhole

The mysterious objects like black holes contain a singularity where matter is one dimensional and the density and the mass of singularity is infinite so the singularity should make a hole to 
space-time according to the theory. Then the hole acts as a portal which connects the distant place of the universe or it can even connect to another universe or dimension

(what ever I spoke about the things in this blog are from the theories which supports the prensence of worm holes) 

What is a wormhole?

WHAT IS SPACE-TIME ?  According to albert einstein, Space is 4 dimensional 3 dimensions are regular ones (length, breadth and height) an...